Sunday 15 July 2018


Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas released new coins this 2018 - It appears more confusing now to determine the currency because they all look alike in size and color.... - in a matter of time we'll get used to it.   This is the BSP's write up below.  Also, check the nice you tube video about these coins in this link....

On 26 March 2018, the BSP started the release of the full set of the New Generation Currency (NGC) Coin Series comprised of the 
5-Sentimo and the 
 into circulation.

The NGC  Coin Series design features enhanced the aesthetics and security of the coins. In particular, micro-printed details using laser-engraving technology were included in the two highest denominated coins, the 10-Piso and 5-Piso, which makes it difficult for these coins to be duplicated using traditional coin counterfeiting methods. 

The metallic composition of the NGC coins also discourages the illegal practice of hoarding large quantities of coins for the extraction of their metal content.

The coins, which appear as "metallic silver", are made from durable nickel-plated steel that possess very good wear and corrosion resistance. The change in material addresses concerns on discoloration predominantly observed for copper-based metals.

Coins in the NGC Series will feature the new BSP logo, three national heroes (Apolinario Mabini in the 10-Piso, Andres Bonifacio in the 5-Piso and Jose Rizal in the 1-Piso), a stylized three stars and a sun in the 25-, 5- and 1-Sentimo, and endemic flora consistent with the design of the NGC Banknote Series that highlights Philippine fauna.